Κυριακή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2007

Transfiguration into Light Body

Planet Earth is undergoing a profound transformation process which is without precedent in human history. This radical transformation is a planetary ascension of all life and form, or, the acceleration of vibrational frequency to elevated and greatly expanded levels of multidimensional awareness.

More specifically, Earth and her humanity are now in the process of ascending from a third dimensional plane, or a reality based in duality and separation, to a much higher dimensional frequency which embodies unification and interconnectivity, unconditional Love and compassion for all sentient life forms. An enlightened, planetary-wide civilization of Light will be the result. consciousness…the prophesized “Golden Age”.

The Crystalline Body of Light

As part of this new Divine Template, the human form is also undergoing profound transformation into a Divine-Human or super human blueprint. This multidimensional blueprint is commonly referred to as the luminous body or Light Body. The Light Body is a new spiritual biochemistry with expanded genetic and DNA structure. This crystalline or silica-based body of Light is our vehicle of ascension that transports us into the higher dimensional system of new Earth energy. Also referred to as the Merkaba, the Light Body it is a brilliant gridwork of Light and sacred geometry that radiates Light energy and electromagnetically links our human and multidimensional self with the infinite Universe and cosmic hologram of Love. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that assist in translating and manifesting hidden talents, soul purpose and… Highest Human Potential.

As you awaken, activate and build this Divine Chariot of Light, your cellular structure and entire physiology undergoes mutation, cell metabolism is accelerated and latent DNA coding lights up. Shedding bodily density, you will experience mutational symptoms, morphogenic bodily changes, release of old emotional and mental structures and major energetic shifts. With intentional building and conscious awareness of the Light Body, you can potentially accelerate your shift into higher consciousness and embody more completely the frequencies of Divine Love, One Unity Consciousness and Source energy.

With these finer frequencies of Light you are building, step-by-step, an awareness of the higher dimensions and yourself as you exist in them. As you awaken your Light Body you can experience many heightened, blissful, peaceful, loving, joyful and insightful states of consciousness. You can reach higher, expanded states, open your channel upward, and expand your consciousness to experience God or Source directly. You can use these energies in many practical ways as well as create your highest desires from a place of unlimited potential.

There is more and more information available regarding the transfiguration into Light Body reality. Many supportive therapies are also available to help people through the many changes that accompany the transformation of consciousness and mutations in the physical body at the cellular level.

sourve/http://sunchildren.ning.com/ Tiara

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