Παρασκευή 9 Νοεμβρίου 2007


To Children of the Sun,

We encourage your support of the 11:11 worldwide meditation on Sunday.

Our collective intentions and transformative energy sent forth tomorrow (Friday) while in the crystalline grid fields will make dramatic impact upon what is occuring over the weekend. This is in reference to our unified focus of Forgiveness and Letting Go of ALL hold to the old paradigm. We are transmitting and transmuting release of all remaing vestiges (conscious and unconscious) of fear, judgment, conditional thinking and feeling as a result of our collective harmonic resonance and forcefield of Love and One.

Following is info on the portal opening and then a description of the global WAVE 11:11 meditation.

From Michele Eloff and The Lightweaver

On 11:11...

The idea is to create a wave of energy around our planet, centered around the portal activation that is taking place on Sunday. I have felt what happens when many of us focus on a particular teaching, on the same day. The energetic increase is truly exponential and I passionately believe that by combining our energies we can affect major shifts in mankind's vibration as a whole.

Please join us energetically this Sunday, 11 November 2007, for... 11:11 NEW EARTH PORTAL ACTIVATION

Many of the New Earth grids have recently been anchored within Mother Earth's body in preparation for post 2011. This has led to the Grand Council of our Cosmos agreeing that it is now time for the New Earth portals to be permanently activated. This will grant those who are ready access to the higher levels of the Akashic Records and our Sacred Platinum Blueprint. To date these levels have only been accessible by highly advanced Beings and a few humans who have managed to master the trappings of the old paradigm. We are now at the point of doing the same, and this activation will catapult us in the direction of bringing higher intelligence into our everyday reality and in so doing remembering how to harness and use the information and energy wisely.

Join in on the 11th of November and experience the power of this process first hand. Besides anchoring and activating the 11:11 portal into the higher levels of the Akashic Records within your Light Body, you will also be creating a wave like motion of energy which will sweep through the collective consciousness. This will activate the advanced systems of clearing needed in order to clear astral debris from the planetary grids now aligning with higher cosmic intelligence.

From WAVE 11:11

WAVE 11:11: World Wide Meditation

The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a storm in Texas. Isn't that an amazing statement? Physicists call this theory "The Butterfly Effect" to explain how the breeze produced by a butterfly's wings could set off a series of reverberations that over time have a tremendous affect on weather patterns thousands of miles away. Now imagine the impact of millions of butterflies:

Currently on earth there is a "quickening" where more and more people are realizing there is much more to reality than meets the eye and are beginning to explore their consciousness. As we open up to the higher consciousness, we allow in a powerful energetic force which guides our individual evolutionary journey as we allow it.

At 11:11 am in your time zone on November 11th, 2007, we are going to unite together in Song, Prayer and Meditation. Join us for whatever time you can during this hour. Search your heart and you will intuitively know the intentions in your role in healing the planet. You might consider singing/praying/meditating upon any or all of these single words: Peace, Trust, Love, Harmony, Presence, Acceptance.

Straddling the equator and bordering the International Date Line to the east, the people of the Republic of Kiribati will start ~ Wave 11:11~ and it will be passed around the planet until the final destination of the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the full day of wave energy flow will be completed.

Share this with everyone you know! Join us in creating the butterflies wave.

Join us in Song, Prayer and Meditation ~ WAVE 11:11 ~

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