Σάββατο 3 Νοεμβρίου 2007


Love and thanks to Cattaneo Stop the War


Ashtar here. Greetings from Command Central, comrade.
There is confusion among the Lightworkers of Earth now, my friend. Many are
wondering if change is really taking place. Do you really and truly approach
the time of Transition and Ascension into the 5th dimensional of reality? Is the
chaos of humanity leading to a self-imposed destruction of Earth instead of a healing
of the planet? Is the Plan still functioning and on schedule?

The Plan is secure and on course, directing humanity forward to aggressively
participate in 'life'. By this I mean that there is not time now for being asleep - it is long past the time of conscious awakening to the reality of which you live in - the 3-D consciousness that longs for its evolutionary jump into higher possibilities of Being.

It is somewhat like a primal urging within your cellular system that has just been activated and now projects a voice that would direct your consciousness into a 'knowingness' that there is much more to life than all of your lifelong teachings have proven to be.

This internal cellular change is due to the fact of DNA structural redesign,
programmed by the Plan to commence at this time period and bring about a
transfer of information to the forefront of your cellular memory that has laid dormant
for eons of time. It is to be considered a blessing that you have been given the key to
freedom of memory - memory of who you truly are within the realm of consciousness. This period of time is being utilized now by the commissioned emissaries of the
Creator Source to activate and heal the damaged internal cellular bridgework within
you is just in the beginning stages. Completion of the process will be determined
by the degree of willingness, or wilfulness, each individual allows, for whether or
not you are aware of the inner changes, your higher consciousness knows exactly what
is happening to the physical body and encourages the 'will' to allow a speedy
and complete orientation to the finalization of the repairs.

The Plan calls for competition of the design in line with the eve of actual
dimensional transfer into the higher vibrations of the 5th level frequency. There has
been some disagreement among those of Earth who communicate with us and pass along our messages as to whether or not this will be a conscious, mass occurrence, or
that of individual time sequences. I will say that even though not all advance along
the same rate of growth in their awakenings, it will be that all who choose to
transit into higher realms will indeed be called to do so at the same moment in time, and
therefore the point of Transition has been arranged to permit complete cellular
reconstruction to be finalized according to this timetable.

The internal changes have brought about the random and complicated emotions
being played out in the physical and identified by the individual as problematic
emotions, desires, periods of depression and elation, physical ailments of every kind,
mental doubts and insecurities, and just about every kind of random problem that
you could think of. This is due to the individuals' subconscious fighting with the
cellular change occurring - the desire for remaining in the former comfort of what was
limited yet familiar.

Re-opening the direct passage to complete memory within the human is a very
complicated procedure, and you are moving through this process very quickly.
This would be similar to the speed of walking compared to the speed of running,
or the speed of a car compared with the speed of a jet. You are being processed at
the speed of a jet, but your body moves at a crawl. To assist the process and
not suffer the uncomfort of negative side affects, you must simply be aware of the
process and give attention to it, through meditation and conscious, deliberate
permission - to yourself - that you do indeed allow the quickening of your cellular memory
to be healed. Is that not what you have been preparing for, my friends?

Actual Transition time is growing near. The span of linear time for
admittance into the 5th dimensional frequencies shortens with each moment. Linear time will be only a remembrance of a reality in which you participated under the veil of deep
forgetfulness. You travel to a much more joyous existence now, one not
tattered with limitation or fear, but one of pure love and joy! Commend yourselves now for holding onto Truth and seeing through your hearts desire to consciously
transit to a new place and time and to a new realm of Masterhood.

Those who continue to ignore the inner guidance, but would prefer to wallow
in the shadow of fear and misery, sometimes masked as power and control, will be
given the home they so desire. But as we have told you many many times, this Earth
is Ascending, and it is with Her that you shall travel onward. Be assured of
this my friends.

There are many that see the changes - the physical changes, as in weather
changes,earth changes, society erupting into confusion and corruption, murder and
mayhem -that would think that the Plan must take them into the very seat of
destruction before Transition arrives. How many people will actually be spared to have the
opportunity of Transition if the physical earthplane is crumbled under the changes? Do
not loose faith, for we have said that it is your choice to participate in the
Transition, and so it will be. There is a Plan that foregoes human imagination and comprehension, and the need for verification is unwarranted. You will be assisted by those of numerous planetary systems. All is in place; all territory has been covered.

In this time of uncertainty, I recommend a vigilant regime of daily
meditation, a simple, healthy diet and plenty of fresh air and exercise. I sound like a
parent no doubt, but your physicality calls for just that - this is how you are
designed. These things will help you assimilate the cellular changes going on and the
massive amounts of high frequency energy input directed into your atmosphere at all
times by the Hierarchy. Remember that you are moving constantly towards a new
placement in the heavens, which adds to the physical complications.

Also know that no nuclear weapons will be allowed to be dispensed upon the
Earth, the Confederation will see to that. Other dangers facing humanity are very
real, but I remind you that you can be in safety always - ask for assistance from the
Higher Realms and visualize only positive realities for yourselves. I cannot say
that often enough.

In these last hours of preparation for Transition - truly just moments in
the timeline of the Great Plan - devoutly reaffirm your commitment to spiritual growth and
your renewed awakened state of being. Focus only on the positive aspects of this
journey, not those of negative proportions, such as the physical changes developing
around you.The Earth has the right to cleanse herself of the impurities as she
makes her way to a higher realm of Being, just as your cellular structure is changing, so
too is that of the Earth.

All things now are in preparation of the journey. View these changes with
respect and love... transmute all negativity around you into the vibration of Love...
strive to attain full consciousness and ask that your eyes be open to see Truth and your ears to hear Truth at all times. Then envision for yourselves the peace and joy that is
your birthright and acknowledge that you are co-creator with All That Is !

Our reunion with the Lightworkers of Earth is soon to be realized. Welcome
that time and, as the Community of Light assembles, prepare to fulfil your destined
role in the Plan of the Creator Source of Love and Light. My friends - I bid you Peace
and Love as do all Lightworkers of the Brotherhood of Light.

Ashtar out for now -
Salu... Adonai.


Posted with love by Tulsi

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