Πέμπτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2007

A message from Kuuyux Virgin Births of White Buffalo

This is a very important time for all human beings. We are being called by the Spirit Who Lives In All Things to restore the Sacred Hoop that has been broken, and we are now called to choose the path of materialism or Spirit. Our choice will determine the degree of suffering and pain we human beings will encounter in this lifetime as we transition into the new world that is about to be birthed. The appearance of the two white buffalo on the east coast at this time, and the way they were born, is a powerful sign that NOW is the time to bring attention to the human beings to turn our hearts and minds to the Original Teachings, the Natural Laws, and the Universal Law given to us by the Creator. The world’s spiritual leaders and healers have read such signs and understand what it is we are facing as human beings at this time. Great changes are occurring on Mother Earth, and these changes are intensifying. Mother Earth herself is awakening from a deep sleep and will shake off what is not in alignment with Spirit. We will experience these changes in this lifetime. What is not in alignment with Spirit will be shaken off.
The appearance of the white and black buffalo on the east coast is a more urgent call to First Nation peoples around the world that now is the time to wake up from the reckless sleep of our spirit that has caused us to abandon our ways. It is an urgent call that says the time is NOW to vigorously restore our ceremonies, language, rites of passage, stories, art, prayer chants and songs, and Original Teachings given to the real human beings of all nations. With such sacred signs as the appearance of the white, and now the black buffalo, we are reminded that we are being guided and that we are not alone in this work. But, such signs are also a warning that it is time to wake up. Our ancestors, Mother Earth, White Buffalo Calf Woman, and our allies in the unseen worlds are with us and will help us do the work that must be done. Even the spirits of our ancestors are embodying in the young ones to help us during these times. We must bring the young ones back to the drum and ceremony to help them remember quickly who they are so they can join the forces aligned to help us.
We must awaken in spirit to remember who we are as messengers and caretakers of Mother Earth, and then to share these ways for all who have disconnected and fallen asleep. It is through this path that the First Nations people will be healed. This healing is from the inside and will not come from outside of each of us. The material world is external to us. The spiritual world is inside of us. In our sleep, we reversed where we look for answers and guidance.
The Original Teachings tell us that everyone is on their own sacred path. It is not for us to interfere with another’s sacred path. And it tells us that the ways and language given to each First Nation caretaker where they live are all important in this work to help Mother Earth. There is a reason why each has been given their ways and that these ways should not be mixed with others. Each of the four sacred colors have been given their own unique gifts to help restore the broken hoop, just as each First Nation peoples have their unique gifts to offer at this time to restore the Sacred Hoop. Many First Nation peoples cannot see how their traditions and teachings are important in this great work, but they will come to see it. The Mayan nations are the masters of time and understand the applications of the Great Mayan Calendar and their knowledge of stars through time; the great Sioux traditions carry the teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman and her sacred gift of the C’anupa; the Haudenosaunee carry the teachings of the Great Law of Peace; African nations carry knowledge of the first star beings, and so on. There is no First Nation without their significant gift. When the leaders of all traditions open their hearts and minds to share their ways in sacred gatherings, all will begin to see the importance of the traditions and gifts they carry, like pieces of a puzzle put back together. We cannot see the meaning of one piece until all the other pieces are put in place. It is time now to bring your part to share in the Great Council of Spirit that is mobilizing around the world.
For those who lament that they have lost their sacred ways, you will come to know that these ways were never lost. They have been kept for you in the unseen world, waiting for you to wake up in Spirit.
Let us all hold the vision, in alignment with Spirit, that Truth and Beauty are walking tall once again amongst all human beings and let us show our deepest gratitude for that. As we seek to touch the hearts of all human beings, let us remember that we must not seek to fight evil, but to let goodness take its place. This is the good way taught to us in the Original Teachings.
Kuuyux (Larry Merculieff)
Messenger Aleut Nation

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Σάββατο 10 Νοεμβρίου 2007

Παρασκευή 9 Νοεμβρίου 2007


To Children of the Sun,

We encourage your support of the 11:11 worldwide meditation on Sunday.

Our collective intentions and transformative energy sent forth tomorrow (Friday) while in the crystalline grid fields will make dramatic impact upon what is occuring over the weekend. This is in reference to our unified focus of Forgiveness and Letting Go of ALL hold to the old paradigm. We are transmitting and transmuting release of all remaing vestiges (conscious and unconscious) of fear, judgment, conditional thinking and feeling as a result of our collective harmonic resonance and forcefield of Love and One.

Following is info on the portal opening and then a description of the global WAVE 11:11 meditation.

From Michele Eloff and The Lightweaver

On 11:11...

The idea is to create a wave of energy around our planet, centered around the portal activation that is taking place on Sunday. I have felt what happens when many of us focus on a particular teaching, on the same day. The energetic increase is truly exponential and I passionately believe that by combining our energies we can affect major shifts in mankind's vibration as a whole.

Please join us energetically this Sunday, 11 November 2007, for... 11:11 NEW EARTH PORTAL ACTIVATION

Many of the New Earth grids have recently been anchored within Mother Earth's body in preparation for post 2011. This has led to the Grand Council of our Cosmos agreeing that it is now time for the New Earth portals to be permanently activated. This will grant those who are ready access to the higher levels of the Akashic Records and our Sacred Platinum Blueprint. To date these levels have only been accessible by highly advanced Beings and a few humans who have managed to master the trappings of the old paradigm. We are now at the point of doing the same, and this activation will catapult us in the direction of bringing higher intelligence into our everyday reality and in so doing remembering how to harness and use the information and energy wisely.

Join in on the 11th of November and experience the power of this process first hand. Besides anchoring and activating the 11:11 portal into the higher levels of the Akashic Records within your Light Body, you will also be creating a wave like motion of energy which will sweep through the collective consciousness. This will activate the advanced systems of clearing needed in order to clear astral debris from the planetary grids now aligning with higher cosmic intelligence.

From WAVE 11:11

WAVE 11:11: World Wide Meditation

The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a storm in Texas. Isn't that an amazing statement? Physicists call this theory "The Butterfly Effect" to explain how the breeze produced by a butterfly's wings could set off a series of reverberations that over time have a tremendous affect on weather patterns thousands of miles away. Now imagine the impact of millions of butterflies:

Currently on earth there is a "quickening" where more and more people are realizing there is much more to reality than meets the eye and are beginning to explore their consciousness. As we open up to the higher consciousness, we allow in a powerful energetic force which guides our individual evolutionary journey as we allow it.

At 11:11 am in your time zone on November 11th, 2007, we are going to unite together in Song, Prayer and Meditation. Join us for whatever time you can during this hour. Search your heart and you will intuitively know the intentions in your role in healing the planet. You might consider singing/praying/meditating upon any or all of these single words: Peace, Trust, Love, Harmony, Presence, Acceptance.

Straddling the equator and bordering the International Date Line to the east, the people of the Republic of Kiribati will start ~ Wave 11:11~ and it will be passed around the planet until the final destination of the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the full day of wave energy flow will be completed.

Share this with everyone you know! Join us in creating the butterflies wave.

Join us in Song, Prayer and Meditation ~ WAVE 11:11 ~

Κυριακή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2007

Transfiguration into Light Body

Planet Earth is undergoing a profound transformation process which is without precedent in human history. This radical transformation is a planetary ascension of all life and form, or, the acceleration of vibrational frequency to elevated and greatly expanded levels of multidimensional awareness.

More specifically, Earth and her humanity are now in the process of ascending from a third dimensional plane, or a reality based in duality and separation, to a much higher dimensional frequency which embodies unification and interconnectivity, unconditional Love and compassion for all sentient life forms. An enlightened, planetary-wide civilization of Light will be the result. consciousness…the prophesized “Golden Age”.

The Crystalline Body of Light

As part of this new Divine Template, the human form is also undergoing profound transformation into a Divine-Human or super human blueprint. This multidimensional blueprint is commonly referred to as the luminous body or Light Body. The Light Body is a new spiritual biochemistry with expanded genetic and DNA structure. This crystalline or silica-based body of Light is our vehicle of ascension that transports us into the higher dimensional system of new Earth energy. Also referred to as the Merkaba, the Light Body it is a brilliant gridwork of Light and sacred geometry that radiates Light energy and electromagnetically links our human and multidimensional self with the infinite Universe and cosmic hologram of Love. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that assist in translating and manifesting hidden talents, soul purpose and… Highest Human Potential.

As you awaken, activate and build this Divine Chariot of Light, your cellular structure and entire physiology undergoes mutation, cell metabolism is accelerated and latent DNA coding lights up. Shedding bodily density, you will experience mutational symptoms, morphogenic bodily changes, release of old emotional and mental structures and major energetic shifts. With intentional building and conscious awareness of the Light Body, you can potentially accelerate your shift into higher consciousness and embody more completely the frequencies of Divine Love, One Unity Consciousness and Source energy.

With these finer frequencies of Light you are building, step-by-step, an awareness of the higher dimensions and yourself as you exist in them. As you awaken your Light Body you can experience many heightened, blissful, peaceful, loving, joyful and insightful states of consciousness. You can reach higher, expanded states, open your channel upward, and expand your consciousness to experience God or Source directly. You can use these energies in many practical ways as well as create your highest desires from a place of unlimited potential.

There is more and more information available regarding the transfiguration into Light Body reality. Many supportive therapies are also available to help people through the many changes that accompany the transformation of consciousness and mutations in the physical body at the cellular level.

sourve/http://sunchildren.ning.com/ Tiara

Σάββατο 3 Νοεμβρίου 2007


Love and thanks to Cattaneo Stop the War


Ashtar here. Greetings from Command Central, comrade.
There is confusion among the Lightworkers of Earth now, my friend. Many are
wondering if change is really taking place. Do you really and truly approach
the time of Transition and Ascension into the 5th dimensional of reality? Is the
chaos of humanity leading to a self-imposed destruction of Earth instead of a healing
of the planet? Is the Plan still functioning and on schedule?

The Plan is secure and on course, directing humanity forward to aggressively
participate in 'life'. By this I mean that there is not time now for being asleep - it is long past the time of conscious awakening to the reality of which you live in - the 3-D consciousness that longs for its evolutionary jump into higher possibilities of Being.

It is somewhat like a primal urging within your cellular system that has just been activated and now projects a voice that would direct your consciousness into a 'knowingness' that there is much more to life than all of your lifelong teachings have proven to be.

This internal cellular change is due to the fact of DNA structural redesign,
programmed by the Plan to commence at this time period and bring about a
transfer of information to the forefront of your cellular memory that has laid dormant
for eons of time. It is to be considered a blessing that you have been given the key to
freedom of memory - memory of who you truly are within the realm of consciousness. This period of time is being utilized now by the commissioned emissaries of the
Creator Source to activate and heal the damaged internal cellular bridgework within
you is just in the beginning stages. Completion of the process will be determined
by the degree of willingness, or wilfulness, each individual allows, for whether or
not you are aware of the inner changes, your higher consciousness knows exactly what
is happening to the physical body and encourages the 'will' to allow a speedy
and complete orientation to the finalization of the repairs.

The Plan calls for competition of the design in line with the eve of actual
dimensional transfer into the higher vibrations of the 5th level frequency. There has
been some disagreement among those of Earth who communicate with us and pass along our messages as to whether or not this will be a conscious, mass occurrence, or
that of individual time sequences. I will say that even though not all advance along
the same rate of growth in their awakenings, it will be that all who choose to
transit into higher realms will indeed be called to do so at the same moment in time, and
therefore the point of Transition has been arranged to permit complete cellular
reconstruction to be finalized according to this timetable.

The internal changes have brought about the random and complicated emotions
being played out in the physical and identified by the individual as problematic
emotions, desires, periods of depression and elation, physical ailments of every kind,
mental doubts and insecurities, and just about every kind of random problem that
you could think of. This is due to the individuals' subconscious fighting with the
cellular change occurring - the desire for remaining in the former comfort of what was
limited yet familiar.

Re-opening the direct passage to complete memory within the human is a very
complicated procedure, and you are moving through this process very quickly.
This would be similar to the speed of walking compared to the speed of running,
or the speed of a car compared with the speed of a jet. You are being processed at
the speed of a jet, but your body moves at a crawl. To assist the process and
not suffer the uncomfort of negative side affects, you must simply be aware of the
process and give attention to it, through meditation and conscious, deliberate
permission - to yourself - that you do indeed allow the quickening of your cellular memory
to be healed. Is that not what you have been preparing for, my friends?

Actual Transition time is growing near. The span of linear time for
admittance into the 5th dimensional frequencies shortens with each moment. Linear time will be only a remembrance of a reality in which you participated under the veil of deep
forgetfulness. You travel to a much more joyous existence now, one not
tattered with limitation or fear, but one of pure love and joy! Commend yourselves now for holding onto Truth and seeing through your hearts desire to consciously
transit to a new place and time and to a new realm of Masterhood.

Those who continue to ignore the inner guidance, but would prefer to wallow
in the shadow of fear and misery, sometimes masked as power and control, will be
given the home they so desire. But as we have told you many many times, this Earth
is Ascending, and it is with Her that you shall travel onward. Be assured of
this my friends.

There are many that see the changes - the physical changes, as in weather
changes,earth changes, society erupting into confusion and corruption, murder and
mayhem -that would think that the Plan must take them into the very seat of
destruction before Transition arrives. How many people will actually be spared to have the
opportunity of Transition if the physical earthplane is crumbled under the changes? Do
not loose faith, for we have said that it is your choice to participate in the
Transition, and so it will be. There is a Plan that foregoes human imagination and comprehension, and the need for verification is unwarranted. You will be assisted by those of numerous planetary systems. All is in place; all territory has been covered.

In this time of uncertainty, I recommend a vigilant regime of daily
meditation, a simple, healthy diet and plenty of fresh air and exercise. I sound like a
parent no doubt, but your physicality calls for just that - this is how you are
designed. These things will help you assimilate the cellular changes going on and the
massive amounts of high frequency energy input directed into your atmosphere at all
times by the Hierarchy. Remember that you are moving constantly towards a new
placement in the heavens, which adds to the physical complications.

Also know that no nuclear weapons will be allowed to be dispensed upon the
Earth, the Confederation will see to that. Other dangers facing humanity are very
real, but I remind you that you can be in safety always - ask for assistance from the
Higher Realms and visualize only positive realities for yourselves. I cannot say
that often enough.

In these last hours of preparation for Transition - truly just moments in
the timeline of the Great Plan - devoutly reaffirm your commitment to spiritual growth and
your renewed awakened state of being. Focus only on the positive aspects of this
journey, not those of negative proportions, such as the physical changes developing
around you.The Earth has the right to cleanse herself of the impurities as she
makes her way to a higher realm of Being, just as your cellular structure is changing, so
too is that of the Earth.

All things now are in preparation of the journey. View these changes with
respect and love... transmute all negativity around you into the vibration of Love...
strive to attain full consciousness and ask that your eyes be open to see Truth and your ears to hear Truth at all times. Then envision for yourselves the peace and joy that is
your birthright and acknowledge that you are co-creator with All That Is !

Our reunion with the Lightworkers of Earth is soon to be realized. Welcome
that time and, as the Community of Light assembles, prepare to fulfil your destined
role in the Plan of the Creator Source of Love and Light. My friends - I bid you Peace
and Love as do all Lightworkers of the Brotherhood of Light.

Ashtar out for now -
Salu... Adonai.


Posted with love by Tulsi

Παρασκευή 2 Νοεμβρίου 2007

Discovering your totem spirit

To discover your totem spirit, you must attain a meditative state in a natural environment and let him reveal itself to you. Your totem spirit will not force the door to enter in your mind. It will come around slowly and show itself in your mind when you are calm enough to accept it.

First of all, install yourself comfortably in a natural environment. It can be by the side of a lake, on a mountain top or sitting by a tree. You must arrange it so that you will not be disturbed for at least an hour. Make sure the temperature will be fine on your body, that you will not have back aches and that your legs won’t get numb after a while. You must be comfortable.

Reach a meditative state while breathing naturally. Keep your mind on the nature around you, and know that it is also within you. This will do a bridge in your mind, letting in the forces of nature. Do this for at least 10 minutes. Let your mind go here and there, and return to the nature within. Even experienced meditators must take enough time to let nature flow lightly.

After a while, keep your physical eyes closed, but open your eyes within to see a natural environment produced by your imagination. See yourself in the middle of this inner world of nature. Do not try to make it like you would want it, but let your mind reveal what it wish to reveal to you.

In your inner world, call out for your totem spirit to reveal itself to you, and let it come. For some people, only one animal come and it is clear for the seeker. For others, a gushing fountain of thoughts come out as they see their environment filled with all the possible and impossible animals throwing themselves around as your potential spirit totem. One will eventually come as your mind quiet down, and it will be clearer for you.

Once you have identified your animal totem spirit, take a bit of time with it, calmly being together, contemplating your inner nature. Know then that your spirit totem will forever be with you.


You should not consult this list to find out your totem spirit, but it helps. Discovering your totem spirit is a meditative processan, visualation, focus. You can use candles, crystals, prayer beads........etc.

Totem Animal List

Antelope: sacrafice, prey, agility, action

Armadillo: shield, protected,safety, grounded

Bear: Power, healing, nurturing, loving, protective, playful, leader,hermit, mother Earth and her womb, dreaming, self sufficient, introspection, wisdom, death and rebirth, astral travel change, communication, visualization of the new, shaman, the dreams nature, and mystic the bear paw tells you of the direction.

Bat: secretive, good listener, rebirth, initiation, pollination of new ideas, viewing of past lives

Beaver: builds damns to stop the flow, protector, overseer, loves home

Boar: For the Gaelic Celts this is an important totem animal because it represents the Sun giving representing Fire of life

Buffalo: A sacred animal, peace, sacrafice, warmth, life, abundance

Bee: fertility, defensive,

Butterfly: metamorphosis, going deep inside into your insight, successful project, transformation, courage, rebirth

Buck: Strength, woodlands, desire, territorial

Cat: Independence, courage, fighter, good defensive skill, Goddess privilaged, clever, meditation, agility, childbirth, curious, seen into the unseen, healer,organized

Cheetah: Swiftness, agility, speed, brotherly, self esteem.

Coyote: hunter, clever, trickster

Crane: High ideals but grounded, independence, into solitude

Crow: change, shapeshifting

Cougar / Mountain Lion: Motherly, protector, power,use of leadership, balance of intuition, cunning, self-confidence.

Deer: It is said that the Sacred Deer is the Mount to the Upper Levels of the Cosmos and a Spirit Helper that can be called upon during healing ceremonies.

Dinosaurs: Depending on the kind of Dinosaur you see. Water types and Herbivores: Are emotional, can see through emotion, gentle, in favor of peace, able to deal with issue's, graceful. Carnivores types: Stealth, strength, have no fear, vision very clear, persuit, bold, non negative, able to let go of mind of the Land

Dove: Can communicate between the worlds, gentle, a spirit messenger, one of peace and of love.

Doe: Gentleness, watcher, agile, speed,curious, caring, kindness, camoflauge, intuitive, good listener, healer, goal oriented

Dog: Honorable and noble, faithful, curious, honest, test dominance, friendly, hunter, service, energy, guardian

Dolphin: Use breath to release intense emotions, family oriented, water element magick, playful, babysitters, intuitive, sexual, peace, powerful, communication, passion, foreseers of danger, graceful, childlike, balance trust, understanding of life.

Dragon: Ability to move between worlds, power of fire, protector, represents the connection of the birth of the Universe, exists between the thoughts, longevity, wisdom, infinate. The Red Dragon lives in the center of the Earth.

Dragonfly: Carefree, on flight, understands dreams, able to escape, swiftness, braking through illusions

Duck: Spirit Helper of Mystics and Seers, water energy, can clearly see and deal with emotions, grace in the water, happiness

Eagle: Solar, Spiritual Guide, spirit connector to spirit teacher, Courage, illumination, clear vision, their feathers are considered healing tools, health and wisdon, personal. The Eagle teaches you to be free and soar high above negativity into a positive self, magickal knowledge, sees hidden spiritual truth's intuitive, graceful, creation, respectful of boundaries. power reclaimed, initiation

Elk: Sensual passion, strength and agility, honoring your gender, paceing ones tasks, stamina.

Elephant: Royalty, strength, ancient wisdom, patience, careful, confident, uses education

Fox: Clever, shapeshifting, cunning, feminine courage, persistence, camouflage, invisibilty, observant, quick witted

Falcon: Merlin's Wisdom, helps get soul to the soul world, healing the soul, the understanding of magick, swiftness, aerobatic

Fish: Emotion, water magick, agility, camoflauge, ocean voyage, friend of man and mermaid, solitude,energy, connection to reefs, use of beauty.

Frog: water magick of the most ancient beginnings, energy, able to leap over a problem, transformation, cleansing, emotion, rebirth, singer of the songs for the ancient beginnings of watery existence.

Giraffe: Communication, intuition, able to reach above others for things that are unreachable, can look into the future.

Goat: Surefootedness, independance, agile, strength when climbing.

Gorilla: Family oriented, mother nurturing, intelligent, strength, useful of the enviornment, gentle, protector, guardian of loved ones.

Hawk: Messenger, intuition,patience, soaring to new hieghts, guardian, messenger of spirit, wise,observant, can recall past lives, courage, clearsightedness,truth.

Horse: mobility, steadfast, mythological from the unicorn to the pegasus, faithfulness, running free, strength, helper, travel, warns of danger, friendly, expanding one’s own potential abilities.

Hippopotamus: Mother-fury, graceful with watery emotion, uses aggresion appropriately, family protector.

Hummingbird: Timeless, passion, brings love like nothing else can, heart of loving fury, beauty, kind, swift, fertile to plants and flowers, nectar for the god and goddess, messenger, adept, if you find yourself with a hummingbird you may need to plant or work with flowers, and maybe an aromatherapists, or work with people since you will find the good within people, fly free.

Iguana: Patient, gentle, kind, ancient, understanding

Jellyfish: Can float through hard times, sensitive to emotions of water energy, can get out of a mess that can tangle you up in life, can sting when necessary.

Jaguar: Shapeshifter, psychic, moving without fear ,empowering oneself, lover of night.

Komodo Dragon: Adept to Earth ground energy, strength, can enter into very long dream state, longevity.

Lizard: Power of regeneration of parts lost, can let go of ego, controlling ones dreams, ability to move in the otherworld, sensitive to ground vibrations, speed.

Lion: Feminine energy, group interaction,secrets silence, patience, seeing detail, understanding your strengths, staying calm till it is time to act.

Llama: Moving over hurdles, kindness, gentleness, warm loving.

Lynx: Guardian, guide, a keeper of secrets, listener, beauty.

Moose: Steadfastness, power, headstrong, movement between the soul world, wisdom, connecting to your elders, speed is unseen.

Monkey: Ability to change environment, health, success, family protection.

Moth: Transformation, movement into shadows, can find the light, flight.

Mouse: Organize, scrutiny, order, examining life's lessons, discovery, shyness, invisibility, stealth.

Manatee: Gentleness, patient, loving, funny, childlike, sees clearly into the emotions, walks gentle on the Earth.

Macaw /Parrot: Communication, flight, beauty, guidance in wisdom, thinks before speaking, mockery.

Otter: Woman medicine, prognostication, playful, sensibility without suspicion, psychic awareness, faithfulness.

Opossum: Sensibility, proper using of deception, strategist, diversion, recovery.

Oyster: Precious, filter out lifes static, knows when it is time to close things to save on energy, sensitive to enviornment, protection.

Owl: Secrecy, seeing behind masks or falseness, stealth, messenger of secrets and omens, shadow self with ease and comfort, Moon Magick, swift movement, freedom, night vision, clairvoyance, great intuition, can be a fierce warrior for food, inspiring, can outfly the Golden Eagle.

Octopus: Feminine energy, Goddess energy and moon cycles, protection by being able to put up a smoke screen, can move fast when danger is approaching, can get past negative barriers, intelligent.

Polar Bear: Solitude, adversity,death, rebirth, dreams, transformation, patience, communication with the spirit, dreams for shamans, mystics, defensive, strength, protection, swimmer, can break through emotional barriers.

Peacock: Beauty,self confidence, visionary of the past and present and future.

Panda: Eastern hemisphere connection, understands moving at a careful and slow pace, adaptable to enviornment.

Penquin: Male and female energy working together, father nurturing, astral projection, patience.

Porcupine: Defense when needed, protection, trust, innocent, wonder, creation of your own path.

Quail: Peaceful, courage, loving, camoflauge.

Rabbit: Fertility, stealth, ability to hide, timidity, quick thinker, intuitive, afraid of tragedy, learner of life lessons.

Raven: Self knowledge, courage, introspection, rebirth, find light in darkness, honor of ancestors, connection with waning moon (crone) being able to change consciousness.

Raccoon: Disquise, seeing through ones mask, curiousity.

Rat: Fertility, invisibility, stealth, defense, scavenger, intelligence, wealth, can be destructive.

Salamander: firey element though it connects between Earth and water, things hidden, can cloak itself in the face of adversity, magickal.

Seahorse: Male, graceful, the only species where the male has the babies, can deal with emotions, courtship dancing, happiness, the loveliness of the sea.

Sheep: Comfortable in groups, warmth, patience, fertility, rebirth, courage to keep balance.

Snake: Transformation, swred, mystery of life, psychic energies, Shamans travel to the soul world using the snake as a magickal form of connection cord, Goddess energy, primitive energy, protection from the religious persecution of others on the attack, the Snake is the Messenger of the Rainbow Serpent, infinitive existence.

Skunk: Defensive when need be, stricking, courage, will power, sensual, confidence in ones self.

Seal: able to dream lucid dreams, protection from danger, can move through emotions with ease, creative, gentle, playful, talkative, sunning, can be lazy, adaptable.

Shark: Power, strength, instictual, predator, adaptibiliyt, survival, dangerous to mess with, senses injury, stealth, able to move constantly, shapeshifter, A predator God of the Ocean's, ancient knowledge.

Spider: Weaver of the universal web of fate, wisdom ,creative instinct, shapeshifting, divination, Goddess energy.

Squirrel: Understands the need for saving for survival and energy, good planner, speed, protective, fancy, one with the trees.

Swan: Beauty, grace, gentle, understands meaning of group, can deal with emotions flow, innocense, understands the symbols of dreams, divination, spiritual growth.

Sow: Crone Goddess, Earth magick, intelligent, can hide in danger, celtic wisdom, ancestral mythology, sacred.

Stork: Messenger of rebirth, protection of the young.

Tiger: Energy, power, strength, ability to act instantly, beauty.

Tortoise: Earth symbol, feel at home where ever it may go, will hide in shell when scared, mystical, grounding traits, patience, non violent, self preservation, ancient wisdom, feminine energy and healing of feminine illness, centered, slow movement, can psychically protect self.

Toad: altered state of ones consciousness, Earthly energy, luck can change, adversity, courtship with sound, longevity, magickal

Turkey: Patient, keen eye, up for the game, wild challenge, generosity, life-giver, shares, sticks with the group.

Unicorn: Virtue, virgin quality, patience, beauty, connects with the forest and faeries, weather patterns,

Wolf: Free spirit, mate for life, faithful to pack, organized, strong sense of self, spirit teacher, social, faces death with dignity, rebirth, courage, steadfast, shapeshifter, intelligent, preserverance, success, can take advantage of change, guide, fights only when necessary.

Whale: Ancestral connection, very intelligent, gentle, kind, patient, king of the waters, provider, friendly, family oriented, keeps the record of all eternity, voice is knowledge, highly psychic, intuitive, telepathic, movement of grace and beauty, able to flow with all emotion and change.

Weasel: (ferret): Keen, tricky, stealth, sees hidden reasons, revenge, cunning, playful, can hang out and just observe.

Zebra: Seeing the balck and white and understanding the grey shades of life, power, sureness, individuality amongst the herd, balance, trust in its path.

Good Luck and warm journeys


source / http://sunchildren.ning.com/